Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days to a Happy Marriage: Day 20: Rest

Today I've rested and spent time with my family.  I love it!  It helps energize me for the work week.  

Today's post is small, but if practiced, I think it can have some of the biggest benefits...

We need to rest.  We just need to enjoy life.  We need to rest in God's love for us.  When we're resting in love (receiving love) it's much easier to give it. 

When we're rested, we're more pleasant to be around.  

Rest with your spouse.  Enjoy their company. 

In Mark 6:30-31 Jesus has something to tell us, "The apostles then rendezvoused with Jesus and reported on all that they had done and taught. Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” For there was constant coming and going."

We can get so busy coming and going that we forget what's important...resting with our Lord (and with our spouse).

Rest this weekend.  Guard against business.  Be purposeful and intentional in your time management, and enjoy this one life with the one you love!

Find a list with links to the other posts in this series here.*